Academic Resources » Special Education Information

Special Education Information





What will special education services be like in each model?

·      Inclusion services continue in the traditional model.

·      Special education teachers and teachers will collaborate to ensure all students will have appropriate access to instruction. 

·      Intervention outlined in IEP’s will continue in the traditional model. 

·      Speech, OT, PT will continue in the traditional school model based on individual IEP services at individual schools.  


·      Special education teachers and teachers will collaborate to ensure all students will have appropriate access to instruction.

·      Students will have access to both in person and remote learning with teachers and peers.

·      Small group intervention and services on their IEP will be delivered in a combination of both supporting online learning and in person.

·      Speech, OT, PT will continue in both the traditional and remote school model’s based on individual IEP services.

·      Times will be scheduled with case manager and related service providers.

·      Remote services may take place on platforms such as Zoom, Schoology, or TEAMs.

·      Special education teachers and teachers will collaborate to ensure all students will have appropriate access to instruction.

·      Students will have access to remote learning with teachers and peers.

·      Speech, OT, PT will be available remotely as well as drop appointments based on individual IEP services.

·      Small group and individual remote intervention sessions with special education staff to support inclusion content learning as based on IEP services.

·      Times will be scheduled with your student’s case manager and related service providers.

·      Remote services may take place on platforms such as Zoom, Schoology, or TEAMs.








How will IEP meetings occur?

·      Teams will continue to use remote options for IEP meetings, zoom or conference lines due to social distancing rules.

·      Teams will continue to use remote options for IEP meetings, zoom or conference lines due to social distancing rules.

·      Teams will continue to use remote options for IEP meetings, zoom or conference lines due to social distancing rules.

What about assessments and testing?

·      Testing that was outstanding from the closure, will resume when we are open for students.



What about determining regression from the closure?

·      Your child’s case manager along with the school RTI coordinator, will review all the data information using IEP progress monitoring and baseline data obtained when we reopen to determine regression. This information will allow for school teams to effectively plan to appropriately mediate any loss of learning.


·      Your child’s case manager along with the school RTI coordinator, will review all the data information using IEP progress monitoring and baseline data obtained when we reopen to determine regression. This information will allow for school teams to effectively plan to appropriately mediate any loss of learning. 


·      Your child’s case manager along with the school RTI coordinator, will review all the data information using IEP progress monitoring and baseline data obtained when we reopen to determine regression. This information will allow for school teams to effectively plan to appropriately mediate any loss of learning. 


Will services be different than in our IEP?

·      In all platforms if services are deemed inappropriate in a model, or will not be the same in duration, teams will need to meet to amend IEPs to ensure all students are receiving an appropriate education.

If you have further questions that are not answered here-

·      please email Special Education Supervisor Sarah Green [email protected]