Parents & Students » Dress Code

Dress Code


Students shall observe modesty and appropriateness in clothing and personal appearance. A student is not appropriately dressed if he/she is a disturbing or disruptive influence to the educational environment or presents a safety concern for others. Fashion is constantly changing, and some fashion changes may not be appropriate for school. We reserve the right to make changes to the dress code as needed to address these changes to keep disruption to the educational process to a minimum and maintain a safe school. The dress code rules are as follows:  


  • * Hats, the hood of a hoodie, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building unless for an approved special occasion.  
  • * The length for skirts, dresses and shorts must be near an index card length above the knee.  
  • * Shirts, tops, and blouses with a bare midriff or revealing neckline are not allowed. Shirts should overlap waistband. 
  • * No tube tops, see through tops, mesh tops, or spaghetti strap shirts allowed. Straps on shirts must be the width of a dollar bill. With a sheer outer shirt, the under shirt must still meet dress code requirements.  
  • * No attire depicting or promoting violence, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs is allowed. No gang related clothing. 
  • * No clothes with suggestive, crude, rude, racial, or discriminatory statements are allowed. This also includes wearing clothes displaying the rebel flag.  
  • * Students should not wear outer clothing that resembles loungewear, pajamas, or underwear. (There may be exceptions for special days such as spirit days). 
  • * Shoes must be worn by all students. House shoes are not allowed.Cleats are not allowed during the school day.  
  • * No costumes may be worn without special permission from administration.
  •  * No heavy chains, spikes, or other items that cause a safety concern.  
  • * Students will not draw on themselves or others. 
  • * No sleeveless shirts with excessively large or revealing sleeve openings.  
  • * Students may wear light jackets or sweaters at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Excessively long hoodies or jackets and heavy coats must be kept in locker. This includes trench coats. 
  • * Sagging pants are not allowed.  
  • * Jeans must be neat and fit appropriately. No holes or frays are allowed above the knee. 
  • * No blankets at school or on the bus. 


All faculty and staff share the responsibility to enforce the dress code. 


 Consequences for Violations of the Dress Code: 

If a violation can be corrected it will be done so immediately with a warning. If it is a reoccurring issue, strikes will be given by teachers. If it cannot be corrected at school, a student will be allowed to call home for appropriate clothing to be brought to them, they will wait in ISS until these arrive. If appropriate clothing cannot be brought, the student will stay in ISS.