Parents & Students » Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy


*Cell phones are not allowed to be used, per board policy, unless granted explicit permission by a staff member.  Students found using phones or with phones on, without teacher permission, are subject to disciplinary action.  See board policy 6.312. At HMS, phones will be kept in lockers. 

*Smart watches with access to the internet or connection to cellular data are not allowed. 

*Bluetooth headphones are not permitted without permission from a teacher. 


If a student is found with a cellphone or device at any point in the school day, school personnel will take the cellphone and turn it in to the office. The following consequences will occur after the first week of verbal warning for all students: 

  1. Student will receive lunch detention. - Documented in Strike Chart under the “Cell Phone” Tab. 
  1. ISS- Full Day 
  1. ISS- Full Day with Cell-Phone behavior plan 
  1. OSS- Full Day